Dr. Micah J. Green
Texas A&M University
Phone: (979) 862-9777, Fax: (979) 845-6446
micah.green [at] tamu.edu
Google Scholar Entry
– Postdoctoral Fellow, Rice University, 2007-2009
– Ph.D, Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2007
(Minor, History of Christianity, Harvard Divinity School)
– B.S. Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech, 2002
Texas A&M Christian Faculty Network
Trotter Prize and Lecture Series committee chair
Dr. Green’s TEDx talk: “The Academic Achievement Trap”
Dr. Green’s talk at TAMU Chemistry.
Dr. Green on the Finding Genius podcast: Science And Religion: Investigating Their Relationship
Dr. Green’s talk to Christian Grads: Science vs. Scientism
Dr. Green on the Christian Grads podcast: “Christianity, Naturalism, and the Scientific Mind”
Dr. Green’s interview at City Conversations
Dr. Green on the VENN podcast: “Science for Non-Scientists”
Dr. Green on the Happy Baptist podcast: “Christians and the Academy”
Dr. Green on the Think Theism podcast: “Mind, Body, & the Failure of Naturalism”
Dr. Green on the Think Theism podcast: “Faithful Science”
Dr. Green interview on the Think Theism podcast.
Dr. Green discusses faith and science on Convincing Proof at the University of Nebraska.
Dr. Green collection on TAMU Ratio Christi Youtube
Gas Processors Suppliers Association Professorship, 2024
Excellence in Mentorship Award, TAMU College of Engineering, 2024
Distinguished Achievement Award, TAMU Association of Former Students, 2023
Patent & Innovation Award, TEES, 2022
George Armistead Jr. ’23 Faculty Excellence Teaching Award, 2020
TEES Young Faculty Fellow Award, 2017
Nancy & Dan Zivney Faculty Fellowship, 2014
DuPont Young Faculty Award, 2014
Lockheed-Martin Undergraduate Eng. Education Award, 2013
National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2012
TTU Alumni Association New Faculty Award, 2012-2013
Whitacre Research Award, 2012
Young Investigator Award, AFOSR, 2011
Best Applied Paper, South Texas AIChE: Davis et al, 2009
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2002-2005